Hongfei Li is an interdisciplinary Ph.D. student in the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington, with a background in Landscape Architecture, Architecture, and collegiate teaching art and design. Her research focuses on how design attends to human sensory and perceptual features to cultivate a sense of presence and restoration. She investigates this topic via interdisciplinary theories that acknowledge bodily relationships with space, including enaction in cognitive science, phenomenology of perception, and East-Asian spatial concepts.
Currently, she works with Prof. Lynne Manzo, Prof. Alex Anderson, Prof. Peter Kahn (UW HINTS lab), and Prof. Philip Thurtle. Her dissertation topic is "Cultivating Attentive and Engaged Mind-Body: Design Strategies to Induce Embodied Presence."
She has extensive experience working on various projects as lead designer and researcher with NBBJ, Stoss Landscape Urbanism, and Reed Hilderbrand.